Friday 30 September 2016

7 Tips to Prepare for Olympiad Exams

Preparing for an Olympiad exam is both exciting as well as challenging at once. It is exciting since Olympiad preparation is something you do voluntarily taking active interest and not because someone has thrust it upon you as is the case with the regular scholastic subjects. It is challenging since the question paper can never be anticipated and you will have to focus on a broader area of knowledge to get through the exam successfully. However, the following tips can contribute to your Olympiad success:

  1. Follow the guideline: Start Early, Drive Slowly Reach Safely. Start your preparations once you have decided to go with the exam without any wait. Gather the study materials and proceed gradually but with consistency.
  2. Workout as many practice papers you can. This will increase your confidence and also familiarize with the pattern of question paper. Therefore you are most likely to feel at home once you confront the actual exams.
  3. Never under estimate the importance of sample papers especially when it comes to Olympiad exams. They can give a clear route to the preparation phase throwing more light on how you must develop your knowledge.
  4. Prepare for the exams in a phased manner. Allot sometime for exam preparation on a daily basis amidst your regular schedule. At the same time do not stress yourself in a way you might lose interest.
  5. Interact with some candidates who have already got through the Olympiad exams and benefit from their experience.

Gather as many past papers as you can to gain a pulse of what actually you can expect from the question paper. Also, familiarize yourself with the guidelines and rules printed on the past paper on how to take the test.

Never hesitate to widen your knowledge in the related domains. Sometimes some rare pieces of information you gathered might help you score better.