Tuesday 9 February 2016

5 ways to beat the exam heat

Whenever exam time approaches, students tend to forget the fact that exams are meant to test their knowledge, not stress them out. A bad score would motivate them to work harder, but a good score would definitely work wonders. Nevertheless, the word “exam” definitely sends shivers down the spine, no matter what.

Here a guide you can follow to beat the exam stress in 5 easy ways.

Prepare well in advance

Try and prepare for the exams well in advance. If you are preparing for the board exams or competitive exams, make sure you have ample preparation time. The preparation time differs from student to student. Also, creating a time table always helps. Initially, you may find it tough to stick to a time table, but in the long run, it works wonders.

         Exercise regularly

No matter how busy your schedule may be, take time out to exercise for atleast 15-20 minutes. Regular workout keeps you physically and mentally fit and also gives you the much needed break from the hectic study schedule. Research has shown that regular, sweaty exercise stimulates brain cell growth, improves attention and increases connection between cells.

        Take time out and talk to your friends

Classmates and neighbourhood friends make up for perfect companions during exam time. Make sure to talk out stuff with them, try and clear your doubts, if they are in your class. By talking to them, you’ll also get a better perspective of where you stand in terms of your exam preparation and feel relieved at the same time.
Stop mugging, start understanding

A very important thing to understand is that mugging stuff won’t lead you anywhere, try and understand the concepts as much as you can. That ways, things will stay in your memory for a longer time and during exam time you’ll be able to recall the concepts without wasting much time thinking.

Eat well, sleep right

During exam time students generally tend to eat less and sleep less due to stress and time constraints. Again, it is very important to understand the fact that atleast 8 hours of sleep is a must for your brain and body to relax. Try and avoid junk food, eat home cooked food, if that’s not available, eat simple food, enough to fill you up. Do not skip meals.

So, get set to ace your exams!

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